Okay, I'm just going to ramble off a few things to give you an idea of what the Stevemeister is all about. Cash flows and hoes, yo. Actually, since I'll just end up saying stupid things like that, I'm going to let these speak for me- a series of newsaper articles on yours truly. Vein? Perhaps. But Vega always was my favorite Street Fighter character. Gah! Again with the stupid things. Okay, check these out.
The Shoreline Times, dec 3rd, '97. This was my first article. It was in a paper that covered the 2 towns I've lived in. They screwed up a few facts, like people paid $10 for a subscription to "Steverino", not $1. And I love the fact that the first few words are in bold- "Can't get a girlfriend? Steverino's doodles draw out the humor and pangs of dating." Although I may have to cut that part off to fit the article on screen, oh well. Now you know. This was written after I started selling 25 page issues of my comic strip at $10 (fooled a few people into paying $20!) for 6 issues.
Middletown Extra, March 31, '99 I like this one a lot. Plus, the interviewer was a really cool chick. She brought a friend of mine local fame by labeling him as "textbook tall, dark, and handsome". I begged and pleaded for a plug like that, but to no avail. This article is the only one with a decent picture of me. I even used for the cover of my '99 movie "Sweet Nothings" (more on that elsewhere.) This was written in response to my taking the grand prize in Andrew McMeel and Follett college Stores "Strip Search: Revealing Tommorow's Best Cartoonists Today" contest. It was very cool- I got $2,000 to buy my first computer, a book signing that went well until my friend Danny Boy showed up, when it promptly died, and a little bit of press. Nifty!
Shorline Times, April 7th, '99 This was my second Shoreline Times article. The "Strip Search" contest garnered a follow up article, I suppose. This one was better than the first, but for some reason I come off too goofy. In these articles, a series of conversations can get lumped into one sentence that will jump all over the place. yet in print it looks as though I simply can't keep a straight thought. I can, damn you! It took years but I can!!!